Renat Baymukhametov, provides services in Russia and China in foreign investment law and corporate law. With specialization in maritime law and resolution of commercial and domain name disputes, where we cover Russia, China, Hong Kong and Singapore.
Our past experience of over 10 years in providing services to our clients in dispute resolution in Russia, China and Hong Kong and Singapore, has been to client benefit over the years.
We have advised clients on some of the following matters, incorporation of companies with 100% foreign capital; joint ventures; deal structuring; protecting foreign investors interests in China and Russia; as well as other issues relating to the support of foreign business in China and Russia.
Renat Baymukhametov is a ‘Master of Chinese law at Peking University’, 'Master of Arbitration and Dispute Resolution at City Universtity of Hong Kong' as well as 'Master of Maritime Law at City Universtity of Hong Kong'.
He is an Advocate in Russia and became an arbitrator in CIETAC, a Fellow of Chartered Institute of Arbitrators as well as a Member of Working Group on Review of Jurisprudence at Russian Arbitration Association (with regard to the PRC and SAR Hong Kong).